Find Your Focus

Each year we find ourselves setting ambitious “New Year’s resolutions.” We start the year strong with full confidence in our goals. However, as our schedules get busier and life ensues, we find ourselves straying from our path. We just may need a boost to find our focus!


Jet is derived from coal and is a form of a mineraloid. Having undergone extreme pressures to reach formation, Jet is a strong and resilient gemstone. This stone is purifying, helping you let go. When building new goals, it is important to let go of negative thoughts or things holding you back from growing. Jet will help with this journey, supporting you during these trying times.


Sodalite is a calming stone, connecting with the throat and heart chakra. It provides a sense of calm, helping to ease your nerves during times of chaos. This beautiful stone boosts your self-esteem and courage, giving you the confidence needed to pursue those resolutions!


With all new things, there comes a sense of anxiety and stress that varies within each person. Amethyst is a calming stone, providing tranquility and balance. Those looking to overcome addictions may find amethyst helpful in their journey.


Align Your Chakras


Protecting Your Peace